Landing page development

❶ Adaptive design
❷ Relevant content
❷ Brevity
❹ Call to action
❺ Goal: high conversions

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Landing page turnkey!

A brief but informative landing page will allow you to maximize the targeting of visitors to the action, and therefore – to achieve a good conversion rate.

In what case does it make sense to make a landing page?

  1. If you advertise a single product or service, a set of services.
  2. When it is necessary to run a promo.
  3. When fine-tuning contextual and targeting ads to different target audiences. In this case, separate landing pages are made for each audience.
  4. If you already have an old and heavy to use website, at the same time you are not ready to invest in its redesign, nevertheless you want to run ads as quickly as possible.

Steps of developing a branding

Project discussion

website discussionWe discuss the requirements for the site and the allowable budget, as a result we find the golden mean and estimate the cost of the main stage of work. As a rule, in any industry there are already successful examples of competitors’ sites, which are worth studying not only as an example to follow, but also as a reference point, how to stand out for the better among them.

Prototyping or choosing a design template

website sketchDecide how the site should look like. You can make a completely unique design to order, in this case first make a sketch, a prototype of the site. If you want, you can choose a ready-made design template and adapt it to your needs. The best option – use all the advantages of a flexibly customizable template plus do original design elements.

Terms of Reference creating

website sketchAt this stage we fix the scope of work, all the most important things that the site should have and that requires time to develop: the structure of the site, special page templates, application forms, whether you need to pay online, the original design elements, calculator, photo gallery, etc.

Design, layout, functional development

website sketchWe combine all of these steps into one process: most standard site elements can be deployed immediately. Markup, fonts, and colors can be quickly customized. Original design elements are developed from scratch. At the intermediate stage, when there is already something to show, we upload the site to the Internet at a temporary URL-address. From this moment, the customer can observe the development process and express his wishes.

Content filling and testing

website sketchAt the last stage, we add content necessary to run the site, we move the site to hosting, link to the domain, set up a server, install traffic counters, do integration with third-party services. Together with the customer we test the site for errors, which can be promptly removed under warranty. In the future we can offer content, technical support, website promotion and contextual advertising.

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